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Dec 24, 2020 | 0 comments

Aghori Vimalananda on Jesus Christ (from Aghora Book 3)

By Priyanka Dalal

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Aghori Vimalananda on Jesus
Aghori Vimalananda's melting words around Jesus Christ. Read them a few days before Christmas and what better to write about on Christmas Eve 🙂 The symbolic day of Christ's Birth.

Jesus was the one who could say, “Come unto me”. He was the only One Who ever could say, “Come, I will suffer for your sins. Forget them, and live a new life.” – Vimalananda quote from the book Aghori 3

For the past few years, I have been struggling with the Christian dominance in the world. I have also been pondering on the existence of Christian conversion activities in poorer countries. The impact of such conversion activities in India from the time it was a colony of the British. And, the fact, that a lot of what we (English/Convent educated) understand as “modern” is actually “western culture”. And we, Indian and Oriental youth, look at this western culture as a way to get out of our own restrictive cultural norms. But we don’t realise quickly enough that western countries, especially America, are still very religious and Christian. A lot of “western culture” has heavy shades of Christianity. I have been noticing this over the years and at the same time my understanding of Indian culture has also been deepening. Thus, I was going through some angst and sorrow over the Christian religious dominance in the world, and the varied native ways of life that have been irrevocably changed by this.

Just a few days back, as I was reading the last couple of chapters of the book Aghora 3: law of karma, I came across a small passage on Jesus. And all of a sudden my angst melted away.

“Fearlessness is a great gift, but it is not redemption. To redeem is to say, “I will bear your karmas for you” – that is the highest. Very few can do it, or even want to do it.

In all history there has been only one Redeemer: my Jesus. And he had to pay very dearly for taking all those karmas; He had to be crucified”

The book further suggests that all Rajasic and Tamasic qualities were gone from Jesus. He was pure Sattva. In general, we consider Rajas (exuberance), Tamas (inertia) and Sattva (true balance) to be building blocks of our minds. I guess only an “avatar” can be Sattva personified, in whatever way such a thing is possible.

These praises extolled on Jesus by Vimalananda, allowed me to find my deep respect and love that I hold for all enlightened beings, including Jesus.

I generally don’t refer to non-Indic culture or spiritual paths here on this blog – because I don’t know much about them. But Jesus has been spoken of very highly by many great Indian enlightened folk including Ramana Maharshi and most likely Ramakrishna Paramhamsa too.

This book “Aghora 3: Law of Karma” goes on about how even small acts of greatness can have huge repercussions. So, Jesus, this great being, the great Redeemer, could be the reason that Christianity spread so far and wide in the world.

On the surface, it may seem that it spread so much because of the utterly unscrupulous means used by many of the proponents. And we can’t deny the corruption in the religious organization – however – such things are often the puppets. The real cause behind the effect may be entirely different. And it could be that he was this amazing enlightened being and thus, the religion that started in His name, spread far and wide through the entire planet – not just one or two countries. And that is sweet. 🙂

On the eve of Christmas, December 25th, I thought to write this post as a Christmas special. Though, there is no historical evidence afaik that this was actually the day of Jesus birth 😀 Indian texts of lore often have descriptions of the astronomical situation which allows us to get a fair bit of idea of when the actual events occurred. But afaik no such data is available on when Jesus was born.

Anyway, we can take it to be a symbolic day for him. 🙂

FYI, Sadhguru has an interesting video about Jesus up on SadhguruExclusive. Sadhguru talks about whether Jesus died after the crucifiction, whether he came to Kashmir as many legends claim, did he grow up with Indian yogis (yes). 🙂

Know any interesting references to Jesus by Indian yogis? Tell me about it.

Not even Krishna did what Jesus did. And that is why I will ever love Jesus. He was the real thing. 

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Top 5 Spiritual Book Recommendations

1) Your Guru's book 🙂 In my case, Mystics Musings, Sadhguru

2) Aghora Trilogy, Robert Svoboda

3) Talks with Ramana Maharshi

4) Highway Dharma Letters

5) Dada Bhagwan Aptvani Series

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