by Priyanka Dalal | Spiritual Practices
The International Day of Yoga is pretty significant for me. Every year, I do something to commemorate this day. The earlier years, I took up ambitious challenges like 108 Surya Namaskars and in recent years, I find myself quite caught up around this day so I take up...
by Priyanka Dalal | Rambling, Samsara
Sadhguru recently answered a devotee on why milk is used despite the torture to the cows. Paraphrasing, he said that if they aren’t kept for the milk, then they will be sent to the slaughter house. As expected, it caused some outrage in vegan groups. I had...
by Priyanka Dalal | Indic Culture, Rambling
A lot of people say – “we get our birth as per our past life karma”. By itself is a simple enough statement. But there are many implications. One of them being that in a twisted way, privileged people sometimes justify not helping those poorer to...
by Priyanka Dalal | Life, Sanskrit, Spiritual Roots
In my 3 months at Tiruvannamalai, I came across Ramana Maharshi’s Updesa Saram, literally it means the essence (saram) of his teachings (updesha). It became very dear to me very quickly. And I spent quite some time delving into it. Spending time in the amazing...
by Priyanka Dalal | Samsara, Self Evaluation, Spiritual Roots
There are some matters where my thoughts differ significantly compared to others. One matter is that of Regrets. Regrets don’t make sense to me. However, other people seem to take regrets for granted. There is always something. “If only I had studied...
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