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Apr 11, 2019 | 6 comments

Sadhguru’s ‘Taliban’ controversy and Pondering on the Meaning of Words

By Priyanka Dalal

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I had never given much thought to the word ‘Taliban’. It has a clear negative and violent association with it as I don’t know a thing about Arabic or Persian language. I only know about the group that calls itself so and then indulges in abject violence.

However, I do know the words ‘liberal’ and ‘bhakt’ really well. I knew and used them frequently before the current political climate in India where these two words have become proxies for the left and right wing respectively.

It has really bugged me that these two words, both of which were deeply inspirational for me are being used in this unflattering way in a mucky political narrative.

Are there people in the Arabic and Persian community who fume at having their innocent word for student now symbolising horror for the world?

In my case, I decided to ignore the political scenario around and still use the two words as their original meaning is.

I think it is important to be thoughtful about the words we use and that includes not just their common meaning but also their original etymological meanings.

If ‘bhakta’ became synonymous to a bad word due to political situations or ‘liberal’ meant anything nefarious then it would be a very sad thing.

If a person reading about Ramakrishna Paramhansa or Meerabai being called a bhakta – got distracted and thought it was a political propaganda even for a moment, it would be a tragedy. But vice a versa, if reading tweets about political “bhaktas” make me go daydreaming about the real bhaktas and their deeply inspirational stories – I think it is brilliant.

Re-understanding words, not by making up something new & forced, but by bringing back their original unsullied meanings can open a new perspective and insight.

(I have earlier written about delving into the meaning of words as a spiritual exercise)

When I heard that ‘Taliban’ word actually means “student or a seeker of truth” – something very positive – it brought a new perspective into my mind. It broke though the associated image of unwanton violence.

It created an image of a bunch of people who are striving (or were once striving) as seekers and students like so many of us. Why do some of them turn out into monsters for the world? I find there is much insight in this query.

Two people may be passionate and looking for truth. But one may cause much harm and misery to people while the other can bring love and happiness. It reiterates for me the value of basic humanity in our hearts. And as Sadhguru says, “Whatever external activity you do in your life, it is meaningful only in terms of how deeply you touch another life”. Without this our passion, our quest for truth and whatever other “noble” goals we pursue could well turn into a nightmare for ourselves and people around us

And re-understanding words is an active tactic to bring social change.

From the Brahmin communities, a word “brahminical” has been coined with a strong negative connotation. The attempt is to remove caste discrimination by changing the common narrative that Brahmins are superior to other people. It suggests that having Brahmins is actually a social flaw. However, I feel that creating negative connotations towards a specific community of people is going to lead to other problems.

On the other hand, a positive understanding of the word ‘taliban’ and bringing back its original meaning helps. Highlighting the difference between the student with the right priorities who chooses constructive productivity and compassion versus a student that has lost his way and has chosen violence. It’s a different but good way to get the message against terrorism through.

It is also not surprising that Sadhguru took the etymological meaning so seriously when the whole (non Arab/Persian) world is oblivious to it. He does an etymological break up of words all the time. In fact, the first day of my Inner Engineering program has a bit about “Responsibility meaning Response + Ability = my ability to respond”. And this etymological understanding throws a whole new light on a person’s actual feeling of responsibility.

When I see the current controversy against Sadhguru and him being called Islamophobic for his usage of the word Talib in its original etymological meaning,
I think back to the Sadhguru led Dhyanalinga which is a rare Shiva temple with thousands of devotees pouring in daily and where Islamic chants are common on many festive days.

I also think back to my many Muslim and Christian and many other minority religion friends who are full time volunteers and brahmacharies at the center. Many of them will tell you that never in the organization were they asked or referred about their religion, ever.

And so I find the diatribe against Sadhguru misdirected. I wish the aggrieved party would look deeper.

Of all the ways that we might find a solution to the world’s great problems, I don’t think it will be through political correctness. And yet the narrative cannot lack all accountability. I see a light jest been made with the best intentions. And when offence was taken, a very clear apology has been given. Hopefully, people can move beyond a childish take of the situation.

Sadhguru is known for his contemporary wit and insight into modern world problems. And in his light jest too I think he helps us better grasp the terrorism situation in our world at this time.

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Top 5 Spiritual Book Recommendations

1) Your Guru's book 🙂 In my case, Mystics Musings, Sadhguru

2) Aghora Trilogy, Robert Svoboda

3) Talks with Ramana Maharshi

4) Highway Dharma Letters

5) Dada Bhagwan Aptvani Series

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  1. GSat

    The one who says may know the true intentions. Given a chance, we can change our stories. Every organization starts with certain vision / goals / intentions. Sustaining it with more people is the challenge. Maybe we need to let an organization dieaafter it’s intended purpose. Start anew for a new cause… Maybe..

    • Priyanka

      This is the founder of the organisation you are talking about. But again, we believe whatever we want to believe. Haha

  2. GSat

    Yeah, we believe, whatever we want to believe. Acknowledging our believes are the culmination of information / experience till now, and it can change in future based on new information / experience. Our believes are temporary. We can check with many of our believes in our present life till now 😊

    • Priyanka

      Unless a matter is spoken or said as unchangeable the comment adds no value for me. It seems like a good way to remain condescending about contrary thoughts from someone and flitting them aside.

      Thoughts change – this is a known matter and yet it doesn’t stop us from taking decisions and living our lives as per current thoughts. And beliefs are another thing, I have typically not used that word in my articles…

  3. GSat

    Sorry, didn’t understand the first part.

    Is not thoughts a process than a result? Decisions, living our life can be independent of thoughts. Is not belief, something sacrosanct, non negotiable?

    Have more and more questions than answers. Intention of comments were never for condescending. Have very high respect for you and your guru.

    • Priyanka

      You have asked couple of Qs abt thoughts and beliefs… my answer is No, it needs deeper discussion but in general, not really how I see things.
      Thanks for the respect.
      Sadhguru has spoken about beliefs .. he surely doesn’t consider them sacrosanct…


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