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Feb 21, 2021 | 0 comments

Shouldn’t At least Spiritual People (& Practices) Stop Using Milk, Dairy considering Animal Cruelty?

By Priyanka Dalal

Topic Categories:
using milk for spiritual & religious practices
Was asked this question recently on the platform notorious for too much sanctimony - Twitter! Not surprising. But I really wanted to address this "at least Spiritual people shouldn't do this" thing. In this blog post I am writing about this in the context of milk usage.

It was not too long ago that India still faced droughts and famines. And in those days the value of a milk giving animal in the family could mean the difference between life and death. Moreover, for many it would be an aspirational goal – to own a cow! A symbol of respect and prosperity.

Since then, at least in certain segments of society (privileged), milking animals is being considered very cruel. And the dairy industry has also become a lot more mechanised and transactional. The situation of some milk animals are surely worse than earlier.

I had earlier written a long post on my thoughts on consuming milk in today’s day and age. There are many different aspects to consider and I do think it is a matter to ponder on. However, this blog post addresses one specific point,

Whatever else happens in society, at least for spiritual (& religious) matters, shouldn’t we stop the usage of milk?

The answer is an emphatic NO.

Or rather,

Spiritual pursuit is the highest pursuit in life.

If my rudraksha mala helps me in that, maintaining my rudraksha mala with necessary high quality fat oleation and whatever else it needs – is a part of my highest pursuit of life.

Same with usage of milk in other spiritual practices – Abhishekam of Shiva Lingas, lighting ghee lamps and whatever else as applicable – it is being used for the HIGHEST PURSUIT of life of those devotees. So, it does not “at least” need to be compromised. We don’t compromise on what we hold as the highest. We have to learn to adjust on things which are NOT the highest.

In some religious and spiritual places there may be some over doing, and some areas they could cut back on their dairy usage – but that change has to come from within the system. It is absolutely, no business for some “do-good” Samaritans to poke noses or point fingers on this – given the gluttony that is rampant in society for animal meats and dairy.

Another very high-worth usage of milk and dairy is for fundamental nourishment. Because even today many people due to many pressures might not get adequate nourishment. So they can supplement with milk. (Some claims suggest milk isn’t that healthy. In this case, let them provide the facts and alternatives in a larger platform, get it validated by relevant experts and then let people choose for themselves).

For the above two uses of milk, I see no ground for any self righteous appeal from vegan fanatics (yes, a lot of them are fanatics) or do-good samaritans. Obviously, genuine conversation and discussion, if the different parties are capable of it, can be had. But nothing sanctimonious.

Now the question is,

if we decide (as an individual or community) to reduce the usage of milk, then where do we start cutting down on the milk?

Naturally, the aspects where it is unnecessarily being consumed.

Two main areas come to my mind,

pizza and other “junk” foods. Where milk is not being consumed for health and nourishment. Rather for gluttony.

But even bigger than that is – WASTAGE. In restaurants, parties and other areas – milk is simply being wasted. It is cooked, the dish is not consumed and then thrown in dust bin.

So these two areas should be addressed first.

As an individual,

– never waste milk or dairy food items
– try to consume for nourishment , in easy to digest ways. Not weird gluttony (cheese popcorn and other fancies).

(I find religions and Indic culture puts great weight on both of the above matters. Treat food as God, don’t waste. Eat healthy for nourishment.)

When vegan fanatics and do-good Samaritans (never any dearth of those) start targeting religious (Hindu) activities for their milk usage, what they are saying is that ,

The society is high on gluttony and pigging out. And in order to help the animals, let’s look down on the spiritual folks and guilt trip them into acting the way we want. (They don’t need to be so spiritual anyway).



The highest and most crucial pursuits in life and society must be valued. The useless ones censored.

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1) Your Guru's book 🙂 In my case, Mystics Musings, Sadhguru

2) Aghora Trilogy, Robert Svoboda

3) Talks with Ramana Maharshi

4) Highway Dharma Letters

5) Dada Bhagwan Aptvani Series

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