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Apr 23, 2021 | 0 comments

Simple Ayurveda Morning Routine : Cleansing the 5 Sense Organs – Our Tools To Interact with the World

By Priyanka Dalal

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Simple morning routine video as per Ayurveda... explained well by Robert Svoboda with some deeper meaning to it. 🙂

If you are somewhat familiar with Ayurveda you would know the importance it puts to the daily routine or Dinacharya (din = day, acharya = behaviour). And as usual with our ancient sciences, it goes into a lot of detail with a LOT OF different nuances and instructions. We, urban folks with low levels of discipline, will find it hard to incorporate ALL of it. Thus, there are many simplified lists. And I have seen a few of them….

I particularly liked this simple 5 min one from Robert Svoboda for the morning routine described, so sharing it with you here,

  1. Breath awareness through some practice
  2. Cleansing the 5 sense organs including Neti, Oil Pulling / Gandusha & Abhyanga (Never thought of Abhyanga as a way to cleanse the sense of touch!)
  3. Yoga / Spiritual practice if possible.

If you are not aware of what Neti / Oil Pulling / Abhyanga is – you can search on them on YT. The info is easily available, but different people add their own perspective to it. I came to know about Abhyanga from the Kaivalyadhama Online Course, and have been doing it for a while as it helps balance Vaat dosha.

I have now also done a paid course with Dr Svoboda, author of the Aghori series which I reviewed on my blog earlier, and I found it very useful. I feel he is able to convey the deeper meaning behind the information he is sharing.

For example, typically someone may talk about the routine of eye, ear, nose, mouth care in the morning. But they may not relate it to the fact that these are the 5 sense organs. They are the main tools through which we interact with the world – thus, the importance of caring for them daily / first thing. As I mentioned, I have been doing Abhyanga for a while – but never thought of it as cleansing of the sense of touch – which is an insightful perspective.

All said and done, do remember, the above is a quick 5 min video only. There are obviously many more nuances to the Ayurveda dinacharya that are also very useful to know.

For example, the one about excretion happening early in the morning. Usually yoga / breakfast etc.. needs to happen AFTER the morning excretion. And so a lot of Dinacharya routines, mention excreting first thing in the morning. The problem is that, this would depend on many factors – if excretion isn’t happening early in the morning – sorting it out would be a little complex. And I think Dr S is trying to make the above video as easy to follow as possible for everyone. So for that purpose, I really liked this one.

Hope it helps 🙂

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Top 5 Spiritual Book Recommendations

1) Your Guru's book 🙂 In my case, Mystics Musings, Sadhguru

2) Aghora Trilogy, Robert Svoboda

3) Talks with Ramana Maharshi

4) Highway Dharma Letters

5) Dada Bhagwan Aptvani Series

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