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Jan 3, 2016 | 0 comments

Year End Review. Bye 2015 🙂

By Priyanka Dalal

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I started out to write the Year End review post and ended up writing this post on this blogs objective 😉

It may help you set a context to my blog, summarizing them here, this blog is for two purposes,

Articulating stuff that is truly meaningul for me & exploring these thoughts very positively. Developing a positive thinking process which encourages and constructs.

blog objective

So now that this sets a context for you, here is a look at some of the stuff I propounded in 2015,

The Self Evaluation Metric

The need to evaluate how you are doing & not just in a subjective, ad hoc manner but with an objective metric so that you can really gauge your self progress in various aspects of life. Here are some of the posts on that:

A good video by @SadhguruJV on need for Self Evaluation
My basic outline for self evaluation:
How this self eval outline helped me sort an emotional imbalance
Finally: a much more detailed self eval metric: (a lot of rambling on in the post, but well the metric sheet is good) ;p

Saying I am Spiritual – why this is a tough thing to do

My blog objectives don’t mention anything about spirituality. But the more I write about stuff that truly means something to me, I realize they are so much into the spiritual sphere. So I guess it was time to say I am Spiritual. I wrote this post after a certain shift happened in my lifestyle choice, it is something I may write more about eventually.

Along with these there were a whole bunch of interesting posts. Specifically would like to mention one that addresses a most fundamental question: What is Spirituality?

So that is 2015 for you. There is a lot that happened in my life in 2015 and these blog posts are just a small reflection of the same. A lot more clarity and direction has happened in my life, this will start reflecting in my upcoming posts. But overall theme of this blog will be a Spiritual one always mixed with personal stories.

What I didn’t write about this year compared to last year is some hard core research into ancient religious stuff like the Shorter Yug theory, Kaal Bhairava being a deity in Jainism and so on. I may write more on those topics as well.

So much so for 2015 & lots for 2016…. 🙂

Happy 2016! 🙂

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Top 5 Spiritual Book Recommendations

1) Your Guru's book 🙂 In my case, Mystics Musings, Sadhguru

2) Aghora Trilogy, Robert Svoboda

3) Talks with Ramana Maharshi

4) Highway Dharma Letters

5) Dada Bhagwan Aptvani Series

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