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Oct 24, 2021 | 1 comment

षडरस अतिशोभन – 6 Tastes Awesomeness! Ayurveda Learnings

By Priyanka Dalal

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Ayurveda learnings

Do take a moment to appreciate the title of this blog post, where I literally Google searched the Sanskrit word for “awesomeness” 😀 अतिशोभन seemed to work in this case. So, here I want to appreciate and exude on how amazing some of our traditional dishes are. And they have so much of wisdom packed in them – which we often realise only once we start studying our ancient sciences.

As I had mentioned earlier, I have been studying Ayurveda. I did the Kaivalyadhama Ayurveda fundamentals course. And then I started a few short courses with Robert Svoboda, the author of the impressive Aghora trilogy. Through these courses, I understood the importance Ayurveda places on the Taste of the foods we consume. And in the current course I am doing, the impact of having a taste-balanced diet is being explored deeper.

The word “Rasa” translates to so many things. And it is significant that it means Taste, Flavour and at the same time Juice of Life, Interests in Life. Because the tastes we consume are closely tied to our physiological health very closely. From impacting our emotions and feeling – to affecting the tri doshas in particular ways.

Indian Festive Dishes are Often A Combination of all 6 Tastes

On Dussehra, and the traditional Gujarati breakfast is Jalebi – Faafdas. Where Jalebis are totally sweet and Faafdas are totally salty. On side, there is almost always a Raw Papaya salad – which is predominantly sour, and little astringent. This salad has some mustard seeds too which gives it a bitter touch. And there are always fried chillis for a nice spicy tang.

Sweet, Salty, Sour, Spicy and touches of Astringent and Bitter.

Similarly, the typical Gujarati Diwali Aam Ras lunch has many different eclectic components, some of which struck me as quite odd. For example, bitter gourd vegetable is the usual traditional pairing with Aam ras meals. It surprised me and when I asked my mother, she said we are trying to bring all tastes on to the plate.

Well, I am glad, at least that understanding of bringing all tastes on to the platter is still alive in households. Because the connection of tastes with our physical and mental health is barely known at all. I only learnt of it the first time when I did these Ayurveda programs.

Learning to Value all the 6 Tastes

2 learnings from this,

  1. While we are changing traditional combinations to suit modern times. And at times these may be practical, like using Jaggery instead of Sugar. Considering that “Sugar” has become traditional now – with it’s usage being from decades. However, no harm done in opting for better sweet sources, but there is value in retaining all 6 tastes on the plate. Good for us to acknowledge this.
  2. While each of us will have our taste preferences, good to understand how deeply these things are connected to our physiology. There are many observations on our physical and mental health we can make based on these taste preferences. However, here I want to highlight, that we should also consume all those 6 tastes in whatever quantities that make sense to us.

I can’t have much spicy usually, but I have it a little. While I can have more of the sweet – salty combo. Sour I can have only sometimes, when my Pitta is lower. Otherwise, even sour I would have less. But, now that I understand the impact of tastes – I have with more awareness. I understand the connections. And I am empowered to make better choices, conscious choices.

In Dada Bhagwan ashram, one common advise I hear from Deepakbhai, is that If you love the sweet on the platter, then have it, but have it a little less than your craving. And if you hate Spicy, then too, have a little more than you would like. This must be done with an calm mind. Thus, it becomes a tool to tame the mind’s cravings.

Often these cravings/tendencies are connected with our physiology, balancing our food tastes externally could be a good way to balance internal situations.

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Top 5 Spiritual Book Recommendations

1) Your Guru's book 🙂 In my case, Mystics Musings, Sadhguru

2) Aghora Trilogy, Robert Svoboda

3) Talks with Ramana Maharshi

4) Highway Dharma Letters

5) Dada Bhagwan Aptvani Series

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1 Comment

  1. anketbhalla

    Hello Priyanka, I liked that advice of taming mind. Little decisions like this in our day to day life strengthens our mental muscles.


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