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Aug 18, 2020 | 0 comments

Akhand Diya Benefits After 2 months

By Priyanka Dalal

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Akhand Diya benefits
Some thoughts after maintaining an akhand diya in the house for over 2 months during the COVID-19 lockdown 🙂

I experimented with the proverbial Akhand Diya for the International Day of Yoga on 21st June, 2020. (here’s why & how)

Since then the diya has been going strong. I have been able to manage the “akhand” or perpetual state of the diya quite well with only a few down times. I feel it has only happened with Grace.

So what’s the impact after having this diya going on for a little about 2 months?

The benefits of an Akhand Diya in the house

1) Lockdown loneliness

I wrote a blog post recently on managing Lockdown loneliness considering I have been home alone all these months.

Before this akhand diya happened, I used to light my small lamp sporadically, once a week or so. And I noticed that whenever it was lit, the lamp created its own “presence”. I could sense it beyond just the physical aspect of the flame … It brought a little joy in my heart.

So, in this way the akhand diya has been a “live system”. It is not exactly an inanimate object. It creates a deeper impact within me…

I suspect that for many other people also a little lamp in the house may bring much ease and comfort in some mystical way.

2) Creates a default meditation space

I hadn’t identified a specific place for meditation and yoga practices in my house. I usually scout different options whenever it is time to sit for the practices.

But an akhand diya in the house means that I would usually want to meditate around it. As we say in Gujarati, take “Laabh” (making use of the privilege).

So this way it creates a default meditation space. In general, this is a recommended practice as the ongoing meditation will enrich the vibrations of the place and other esoteric stuff…

3) A “proper” shrine develops in the house

As such, I do have a shrine. A place where I kept my various photos and a small lamp and some book and kailash water and so on. But since I didn’t light lamps daily, nor do any poojas or particular action with that shrine… It remains a little cold (and dusty).

An akhand lamp inevitably creates a more active shrine. As in I am daily engaging with it and there is a fire(=life) going on.

4) A focal point for rituals and other bahya kriya (external worship)

Once the shrine is being kept up, and I am spending time with and around it, then naturally there is scope for other external worship.

Already, I have started singing bhajans and songs once a day near the akhand diya. A kind of “aarti” ritual has developed. I did Guru Pooja here on Guru Poornima. So this could be the start of something larger.

4) Adds to the daily practice

I put great value on daily practice. Yoga – meditation, pranayam and asanas is the usual one for me… Now there is a bit of external daily practice i.e. tending to the akhand flame. And while I am doing that, I also sing some bhajans.

A combination of bahya kriya and internal kriya is a great one I feel. Either one on its own can become misleading. But when coupled together and done as required for us individually… I believe each would enhance the other.

5) Communications & creativity? Unsure

One more things that a perpetual flame may help with is the communications and creative aspects of our life. And my work of growth marketing is well centered in both those aspects. But currently with the lockdown there are so many different things going on in life… That I can’t really say whether or not there has been significant impact on this.

But this is also something that I am observing. And possibly there is some impact. Let’s see.

6) Fire element 🔥

As I mentioned in my previous blog post about the Magical triad – Ayurveda, Agni and Aghori – the fire element is considered the best one to do sadhana by Vimalananda the Aghori (from the book).

This Akhand diya brings a small fire element practice in my life. Until now, I didn’t have any particular one, except if I consider Kapaalbhati, which I always imagined improved my Jatharagni – digestive fire 😀 But technically, it is Air element worship as we are working with the prana – breathe – air.

That’s all for now.

As time passes, let’s see how my journey with this Akhand Diya pans out. Will keep you updated. And in the meantime, if you want to try one out yourself,

How to Setup an Akhand Diya

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Top 5 Spiritual Book Recommendations

1) Your Guru's book 🙂 In my case, Mystics Musings, Sadhguru

2) Aghora Trilogy, Robert Svoboda

3) Talks with Ramana Maharshi

4) Highway Dharma Letters

5) Dada Bhagwan Aptvani Series

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