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Dec 28, 2021 | 0 comments

Esoteric Ramayana (from Aghora Book) : Shatrughna & Bharata

By Priyanka Dalal

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Esoteric Ramayana
The 2nd book of the Aghora trilogy introduced me to the esoteric meanings of some of our common 'mythological' stories. Lately found myself musing on these when I was in Rishikesh and came across an ancient Shatrughna temple.

In the second book of Aghora (review here), there is much elaboration of the “esoteric meaning” behind the Ramayana. On the face of it, this is a story of Rama the king and his life struggles. However, esoterically ….

Esoterically, Rama is the pure consciousness, Sita is Kundalini and Lakshman is Lakshya (focus)

The play of the Kundalini, abducted by the worldly Maya or ego and finding her way back to become one with pure consciousness. With support from concentration/Lakshya.

Further connections are explained between Hanuman ji being the son of wind (vayu), and helping the flow of prana… supporting the meeting of kundalini back to the consciousness etc..


Recently, on my trip to Rishikesh, I saw there was a Shatrughna temple. And I had totally forgotten who Shatrughna was. I asked Google aunty, and was intrigued to realise it was Lakhsman’s twin brother.

Thus, I was wondering how Shatrughna fit into this esoteric Ramayana story… especially with a name like ‘Shatrughna’ could it be simply the impact of true Lakshya?

Like the other side of the ‘Lakshya’ coin? Lakshya or focus or concentration is a form of meditation – and the other side of it is – killer of internal distractions (enemies). Thus Lakshya and Shatrughna are sides of the same coin – like twins (in a way).


and going further, the brother Bha-Ra-Ta who ruled the country when Rama and Lakshman were elsewhere. Bha-Ra-Ta or Bha-va-Ra-ga-Ta-la, the rhythm of good maintenance and growth. As Sadhguru said, “If you get the rhythm or the tala right, you will ride the raga – the tune that the source of creation has set – and life becomes beautiful.” Ensuring the body and mind and maintained in a good rhythm that is conducive to the return of the Kundalini to the pure consciousness. That is our Bharata king.

Naturally, there is some lack clarity about who actually ruled the country – did Bharata rule, keeping Rama’s footwear on the throne. Or did Bharata also renounce somewhere and kept Shatrughna in charge?

Either case, one is the consequence of the other. With good mental focus/meditativeness the enemies(wrong thoughts and distractions) are destroyed and thus resulting in our ability to ride the ‘raga of life’ as Bharata. And at all times, the pure consciousness is supreme and all must be aware of this. And HIS footprints must reign.

Is this the right interpretation. Or are there lots of right interpretations?

Just some musings…

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Top 5 Spiritual Book Recommendations

1) Your Guru's book 🙂 In my case, Mystics Musings, Sadhguru

2) Aghora Trilogy, Robert Svoboda

3) Talks with Ramana Maharshi

4) Highway Dharma Letters

5) Dada Bhagwan Aptvani Series

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