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Mar 30, 2017 | 0 comments

Mahashivaratri : Shiva In My Life Photo Series

By Priyanka Dalal

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Earlier in February 2017, life intensity peaked with Mahashivaratri. I had returned from my 3 month travel in December. And especially with the ride to Tiruvannamalai, the trip had just gotten really intense and impactful. I was in bit of a daze back in Mumbai, and very gladly took up the 40 day sadhana for Mahashivaratri given by Sadhguru. Have been doing this since the last 3 years. Great experience every time.

Being an avid blogger and social media person, I saw some other friends planning a series around Shiva forms, and so I was piqued and over-excited to do the same.

I wasn’t too keen about ‘historic sculptures and forms’, not my forte. So I decided to do a series on Shiva in my life.

Recapping here, you may find these interesting 🙂

Oh, and my instagram account is mostly about my travel adventures, but I do post Spirituality stuff once in a while. Anyway travel and all other aspects of life are all interwoven with spirituality. They cannot be separate.






Rudraksha, the tears (of ecstasy) of #Shiva. Often people are curious about this mala and why I wear it. It has been years since I have been wearing it and now I don’t wish to bother with anything else. Cosmetic jewellery stands for the social consumerist lifestyle while this for something much deeper and meaningful. What a lot of people don’t know is that the rudraksha mala can be used to detect food properties – positive pranic food versus negative pranic foods. So yogis can use it to decide which of the food donated to them, they should eat. And in times of danger (maybe from other rival sects) they can detect if any of the food contains poison. Part of the #Mahashivaratri series. #india #indian #incredibleindia #yoga #yogi #yogalove #karma #liberation #adiyogi #sadhguru #bnw

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And the day of Mahashivaratri,

Jyotirlinga Trimbakeshwar

त्र्यंबकेशवर ज्योतिर्लिंग मंदिर #Mahashivaratri is a festival of being awake and aware. So no sleeping tonight. The Trimbakeshwar Jyotirlinga temple is in my mind today. I spent an amazing morning meditating here during my first Kumbh mela visit there. I am very thankful that we in India have such powerful energy spots to meditate and imbibe. Talking about Vibhuti yesterday, this temple Vibhuti used to be from the cremation grounds. But apparently certain people complained and then it was changed to the normal cow dung variant. Hope we can look deeper into our ancient traditions and preserve what is valuable without changing it simply to suit modern sensibilities. At the same remove the junk accumulated over the centuries. Has to be done with care and deep understanding. Har har mahadev! #mahashivratri #shiva #india #incredibleindia #yoga #yogi #yogalove #jyotirlinga #festival #yogagram

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Mahshivaratri is a festival to stay awake and aware. At Isha Sadhguru also expects us to dance the whole night through – they organize an all night program which is also live streamed on web and TV. I make it a point to keep this program running through the night. Though at the side I may be doing some other stuff. Some years when I was very busy running my company, I would take this opportunity to put in a few hours of extra work.

Volunteering at the Isha ashram for Mahashivaratri can be one mad experience. These volunteers won’t sleep the night before the festival either, as they are working for the festive night event for which lakhs of people come down from all across the world. I have volunteered once this way in the Isha ashram where I didn’t sleep both nights, and I must tell you it is one wild experience. Sadhguru keeps talking about being stoned without any chemicals – just on the consecrated space and your sadhana – that is exactly how it was. Really helps put perspective to life. When life can be so awesome without any material possessions or ego pandering.

And this amazing Mahashivaratri was followed by reading the Adiyogi book. I have reviewed it here if you are curious. 🙂

#Adiyogi ❤️🎶🎵💞 #book #read #incredibleindia #yoga #yogi #india #heritage #shiva

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Top 5 Spiritual Book Recommendations

1) Your Guru's book 🙂 In my case, Mystics Musings, Sadhguru

2) Aghora Trilogy, Robert Svoboda

3) Talks with Ramana Maharshi

4) Highway Dharma Letters

5) Dada Bhagwan Aptvani Series

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