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Aug 1, 2021 | 0 comments

The Crux of Sadhguru Jaggi’s Teachings

By Priyanka Dalal

Topic Categories:
Sadhguru Teachings
What's the crux of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev's spiritual teachings or message or instructions ?

After years of immersing into Sadhguru JV‘s discourses, practices and bhakti. Due to some quirks with the organization and my inner needs I found Ramana Maharishi’s words.

One huge change that I noted was that Ramana Maharshi stuck to one message – Who am I?

Through desert and ocean, through valleys and peaks – Who am I? To whom is this question arising? Who is asking?

In contrast, Sadhguru covers a vast plethora of topics – any and every topic under the sun. Including controversial, political topics sure to rile up at least a few of his own devotees.

And so I wondered.

What’s his crux? I can hardly assimilate all this plethora of bits and pieces of info. What’s the essence of his teachings?

And then, since I connect and interact with many spiritual folk across paths – and have (usually) interesting conversations with them. A couple of them asked me the same thing…

I have heard his talks, often he is very riveting esp on contemporary topics, but what’s his spiritual teaching about? What is his main message?

And considering these weren’t even Isha meditators – I can hardly blame them… As their main exposure to Sadhguru is a flood of social media content.

And this matter remained cooking in my brain’s back burner for a while.

I started looking at all their content on the website and wondering – what is the main crux in this heap of topics and words?

Over time, I arrived at,

inner engineering

The flagship Isha yoga program. The basic , starting program that qualifies a person into the “Isha meditator” group.

I mean, there is Isha kriya and many other starting practices that you could learn online or in a program but Inner Engineering is the “proper” entry level course. Whatever “proper” means.

I am not getting into what they cover in the IE class. I am just looking at the word, INNER ENGINEERING.

Engineer your Interiority – so at least You happen the way you want. Outside situations will never be 100% your way… but at least the internal situation should be our way 100%.

That’s what I boiled down his teachings to.

Coming to the crux of matters especially in spiritual teachings / paths / Dharma is crucial to understand the next layers.

Often, matters become tricky and conflicting – the internal situations / external needs. Having right understanding of the essence of the spiritual path you follow is important to orient ourselves to make the right choices.

Because most of us are too dumb to grasp multiple complex truths at one time. It’s much more possible for a person to hold to one truth / guiding post through our inner journey to the ultimate.. rather than a SET OF INSTRUCTIONS.

So while a set of instructions are also offered in the spiritual path – we need one simple truth as the guidepost whenever needed and which is applicable in ALL situations. Because that is the beauty of spirituality – it covers ALL life situations. It is not stored only in the Temple and temple routine. It permeates everything because it addresses HOW we are within ourselves.

At one point in life, I had been engaging with a Jain monk. Over a few conversations, as she realised that I didn’t understand what all these plethora of Jain rules are for – she boiled down Jainism for me to one word and one truth – AHIMSA. In all activities and life situations Jains are trying to be as non-violent as possible. The path of highest non-violence.

Here in Dada Bhagwan ashram, there is the Promise no. 1 – Live with Love with everyone.


EVERYTHING is GOING CRAZZZZYYY!! What shall I do? Oh, Guru show me the way!!

Jain: “Let me just be as non-violent I can be right now in thought, words and deeds. Am I thinking ill of anyone? Let me stop that and cultivate a positive frame of mind for all life. Am I hurting any life form? How can I stop that? “

Dada Bhagwan Devotee: “Let me just ensure that however crazy the time is, I am kind, gentle and loving to everyone around me. What can I do to help those around me? That’s all I am going to ensure right now. Cause I can’t think of anything else”

So for Sadhguru, I am pegging it as Inner Engineering – ensure our internal situation happens 100% our way.

Isha meditator: “Everything outside is going CRAZY! At least let me ensure within myself I am calm, collected and thoughtful. Let me ensure my own inner balance and then go about doing whatever makes sense for me here. If required I will do some balancing yoga practices”

And if you think about it,

all these singular and simple sounding teachings – they will help you remain balanced in situations and go forward in a positive and thoughtful way.


to master them – you need to master yourself. Because to attain true non-violence, true love for everyone around, true inner balance ….we need to do the sadhana grind. 🙂

Such are my thoughts on this matter.

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Top 5 Spiritual Book Recommendations

1) Your Guru's book 🙂 In my case, Mystics Musings, Sadhguru

2) Aghora Trilogy, Robert Svoboda

3) Talks with Ramana Maharshi

4) Highway Dharma Letters

5) Dada Bhagwan Aptvani Series

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