by Priyanka Dalal | Hinduism, Indic Culture, Jainism, Spiritual Roots
Recently, on my youtube channel, a guest introduced me to the riveting world of Nyaya darshan. And I understood it was part of the shad darshanas of Vedic nigamas. I became very curious to learn, at least a little, about all the 6 darshanas because I realised this...
by Priyanka Dalal | Ashram Talks, Indic Culture, Spiritual Practices, Spiritual Roots
My sadhana history, in this birth, is speckled with Maun days or Silence days. Basically, in my house when I am home alone, or in a room, or rarely at another fellow yogis house I go into silence. And focus on my inner “stuff”. I don’t remember much...
by Priyanka Dalal | Ashram Talks, Indic Culture, Spiritual Roots
After years of immersing into Sadhguru JV’s discourses, practices and bhakti. Due to some quirks with the organization and my inner needs I found Ramana Maharishi’s words. One huge change that I noted was that Ramana Maharshi stuck to one message –...
by Priyanka Dalal | Life, Sanskrit, Spiritual Roots
In my 3 months at Tiruvannamalai, I came across Ramana Maharshi’s Updesa Saram, literally it means the essence (saram) of his teachings (updesha). It became very dear to me very quickly. And I spent quite some time delving into it. Spending time in the amazing...
by Priyanka Dalal | Samsara, Self Evaluation, Spiritual Roots
There are some matters where my thoughts differ significantly compared to others. One matter is that of Regrets. Regrets don’t make sense to me. However, other people seem to take regrets for granted. There is always something. “If only I had studied...
by Priyanka Dalal | Hinduism, Indic Culture, Jainism, Rambling, Samsara, Sanskrit, Spiritual Roots
A fairly misunderstood word in today’s day and age. The misunderstandings are natural because it is a deep reality that is not in our face nor obvious. We need to think and perceive the world with some depth. Moreover, in spiritual contexts the word has been...
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